IET Student Chapter

Objective of IEI's

  1. To promote the general advancement of engineering and their application.
  2. Pioneer in providing Non-formal Engineering Education (popularly known as AMIE Exam) in India.
  3. Dissemination and updating of engineering and technological knowledge among its members, through Technical Activities.
  4. Facilitates Continued Professional Development (CPD).
  5. Encourage elevate and recognize the technical knowledge and practice of individuals and organizations through scholarships, awards and other benefaction.
  6. Inculcating and promoting amongst engineers and technologists a growing commitment to the social objectives of the profession.
  7. To promote efficiency and honourable dealings to suppress malpractice in engineering.
  8. Upliftment of engineering knowledge through research work
  9. Grant-in-Aid scheme for R & D work to be carried out by the students of engineering colleges and universities
  10. Inculcate the culture of research in the budding engineers for nation building
  11. Serve as a technology collaborator and facilitator
  12. Emerge as a 'category leader' especially in the areas of undergraduate R&D funding
  13. Disseminate the outcome of R&D projects through its publications for benefit of engineering profession and the society